7 reasons you should become sidemount diver

7 Reasons to Become a Sidemount Diver

Sidemount diving is increasingly popular due to its enhanced freedom, comfort, and efficiency, making it ideal for recreational and technical divers alike. As Sidemount Divers, Join us to take a look at why you should become a sidemount diver.

Sidemount Diving in Pattaya

Pattaya offers scuba divers a wealth of dive sites, and diverse marine life, and caters to the needs of every diver looking to specialize in their training. Many visitors start their diving journey here in Pattaya, taking entry-level courses to gain their first certification and go on to become advanced, rescue divers and even dive pros. Divers often choose specialities like Deep, Wreck, or Enriched Air Nitrox diving, or they want to learn more about marine ecosystems through Fish Identification, Underwater Naturalist, and Marine Conservation training. Any and all of these suit sidemount diver, let’s look at why.
Sidemount Diving Course In Thailand Pattaya Scuba Adventures
Sidemount Divers In Pattaya Thailand

Why Choose Sidemount Diving?

Introduction to Sidemount Diving

If you ask a Sidemount diver what they enjoy most, the answer is almost always the same: freedom. Diving with a sidemount system provides more freedom compared to a single tank backmount setup. You can move more freely and experience a greater range of movements, mobility, and comfort.

The Appeal of Sidemount Diving

Initially popular among technical, wreck, and cave divers, sidemount diving has gained momentum among recreational divers. Here are six reasons why you should consider sidemount diving on your next trip to Pattaya.

Benefits of Sidemount Diving

1. Become More Streamlined

Water is 800 times denser than air, making it crucial to reduce drag. Sidemounting your cylinders in alignment with your body decreases resistance, making movement easier and more efficient, which reduces energy use and air consumption.

2. Achieve Proper Trim

Trim refers to a diver’s body orientation underwater, essential for efficient movement. While it can be achieved with a backmount setup, many divers find it easier with a sidemount configuration, which helps maintain a horizontal position due to better weight distribution.

3. Improved Balance and Stability

With gas cylinders positioned on either side of your upper body, your center of gravity and buoyancy are closer to your body’s center. This balance allows for easy maneuverability, whether turning, inverting, or staying upright, making it excellent for tasks like underwater searches or decompression stops.

4. Increased Comfort

Sidemount harnesses can be personalized, providing a more comfortable fit. This configuration alleviates strain on your back, which is beneficial for those with back or shoulder issues. It also makes equipment transport and handling easier, as you can clip cylinders on and off in the water.

5. Greater Self-Sufficiency

Sidemount configurations offer easy access to valves and independent air sources. This visibility allows you to quickly identify and resolve issues, enhancing self-sufficiency and safety underwater.

6. More Gas Supply and Redundancy

Diving with two tanks doubles your gas supply, allowing for longer dives, especially at deeper sites. Using Enriched Air Nitrox with a Sidemount setup extends bottom time without running low on air. WHo does love more air, especially when diving shipwrecks

7. Transform Your Thinking

Sidemount diving is a gateway to changing your thoughts about scuba diving. Since it lends its past from technical and adventure diving, even if you are planning to stay as a recreational diver, you can onboard some thought patterns that will serve you well such as redundancy, and advanced gas management as well as other disciplines.

Sidemount diver Buoyancy Balance
Pattaya Sidemount Diver Buoyancy Balance
Sidemount dive equipment streamlining
Sidemount Diving @ Koh Sak Pattaya | Dive Equipment Streamlining

Sidemount Diving Courses in Pattaya

You can become a Sidemount diver as part of the Open Water course, Advanced Open Water course, or as a separate speciality course. Pattaya is an ideal location to learn, offering diverse dive sites from deep rock pinnacles to coral-rich bays and sunken wrecks.

Sidemount Diver Specialty Course

Our Sidemount Specialty Course is designed to educate divers to the highest standards, increasing awareness of different equipment configurations and enhancing diving experiences. The course includes drills and skill mastery at beautiful sandy bays, leading to certification and exploration of Pattaya’s dive sites with ease and comfort.

Explore Pattaya as a Sidemount Diver

Once certified, you can explore Pattaya’s extensive range of dive sites, including outlying deep rock pinnacles, expansive coral reefs, and local wrecks. Our course is designed by divers for divers, ensuring you become a knowledgeable and proficient sidemount diver.

What are you waiting for? Dive into the world of sidemount diving with Scuba Adventures in Pattaya!