Learn Your Underwater Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Learn Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

To enhance the diving experience and ensure smooth communication about sightings, divers use a series of hand signals to identify and discuss various marine animals. This guide outlines the essential hand signals for identifying marine life, helping you connect with your dive buddy and share the excitement of underwater discoveries.

Here Are Some Essential Marine Life Hand Signals Every Diver Should Know:

Mammals, Turtles, Sharks, and Rays

Shark - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Shark Signal 

Description: Hold the side of your hand against your forehead.

Hammerhead - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Hammerhead Signal

Description: Place your fists on either side of your head.

Blue Spotted Ray - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Blue-Spotted Ray Signal

Description: With one hand palm down Tap random points on the back of your other hand.

Turtle - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Sea Turtle Signal

Description: Place one hand on top of the other and rotate your thumbs.

Dolphin - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Dolphin Signal

Description: Move your index finger in a rippling motion.

Manta Ray - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Manta Ray Signal

Description: Flap both arms like you’re flying.

Crustaceans and Critters

Octopus - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Octopus Signal

Description: Hold your own wrist and wiggle your free hands downturned fingers like tentacles

Nudibranch - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Nudibranch Signal

Description: Create a “v” shape with your fingers and wiggle the ends to simulate the Sea Slugs Rhinopores (“eyes”)

Seahorse - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Seahorse Signal

Description:  Move both hands up and down like riding a hobby horse.

Moray - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Moray Eel Signal

Description: Tap fingers and thumb of one hand together.

Crab - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Crab Signal

Description: Same as for moray eel, but with both hands turned sideways.

Shrimp - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Shrimp Signal

Description: Point your index fingers upwards on either side of your forehead

Other Fish

Stonefish - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Stonefish Signal

Description: Make a fist and place it on the palm of your other hand.

Lionfish - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Lionfish Signal

Description: Interlock your fingers and wiggle them.

Barracuda - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Barracuda Signal

Description: Do a chopping motion along your other arm

Angelfish - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Angelfish Signal

Description: Draw a halo shape above your head with your finger

Pufferfish - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Pufferfish Signal

Description: Clasp your hands and move them toward and away from each other.

Scorpionfish - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Scorpionfish Signal

Description: Like lionfish, but put your hands on top of your head. 

Understanding and using these hand signals effectively enhances safety and enjoyment while diving. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced diver, mastering these signals is essential for clear communication underwater.

Check Out Our Other Guides:

Scuba Diving Signals Every Diver Needs to Know 

The Marine Life Guide