Marine Life
Gulf Of Thailand

Aquatic Life in Pattaya

Welcome to the Marine Life Guide for Pattaya and the Gulf of Thailand, your comprehensive resource for exploring the vibrant and diverse underwater world in Pattaya. Discover what you can find within the Gulf of Thailand, its ecosystems, that are teeming with fascinating marine species and stunning underwater coral landscapes.

What Can You See Diving The Underwater World In Pattaya?
The tropical sea surrounding Pattaya has many coral islands great for divers and boasts an abundance of marine life with incredible diversity. The Gulf of Thailand enjoys an equatorial subtropical climate, providing perfect conditions for scuba divers and snorkelers to observe the wondrous marine ecosystem in all its splendor. With a constant water temperature hovering between 28-30 degrees Celsius for most of the year, the marine fauna and flora are similar to those found across the most tropical regions.
Endangered Marine Species Hawksbill Turtles Pattaya
Hawksbill Sea Turtles in Pattaya Can Be Quite Curious

Thai GulF Endangered Sea Turtles

A Pattaya Marine life guide would be incomplete without mentioning that it is home to two of the seven endangered sea turtle species, the Green Sea Turtle and the Hawksbill Sea Turtle.

The abundance of these sea turtles in Pattaya is attributed to its rich feeding grounds, safe nesting sites, and ongoing conservation efforts, creating a favourable environment for these turtles to thrive and remain resident.

Thailand Marine life Pattaya Scuba Adventures
Yellow Snapper @ Koh Rin | Gulf of Thailand
Macro Marine Life Thai Gulf Pattaya
Blue Dragon Nudibranch @ Koh Sak Pattaya Near Islands

How Many Marine Life Species in Pattaya?

Over 350 different species of fish from over 60 families have been recorded in the Gulf of Thailand, and many of them can be found in the warm blue sea around Pattaya.

One of the largest and most diverse fish families around the Gulf of Thailand is the Wrasse family, with the Red Breasted Wrasse often seen hunting for small crustaceans, mollusks, and sea urchins. Many types of Pufferfish, Snapper and Angel Fish are also very common.

At certain dive sites and shipwrecks which Pattaya has many of, an amazing seasonal visitor is the Humpback Dolphin

Another seasonal visitor, becoming more common in recent years, is the plankton-eating Whaleshark, often accompanied by large Cobia.

The underwater world in Pattaya is a fantastic macro diving location, especially during periods of lower visibility. Divers here have mastered the art of spotting smaller marine life, leading to remarkable discoveries. The reefs are teeming with a variety of nudibranchs, seahorses, and an array of other fascinating tiny creatures. These vibrant and diverse underwater residents make each dive an exciting and rewarding experience for macro photography enthusiasts and marine life aficionados alike.

Macro Marine Life in Pattaya & Samaesarn

The waters surrounding Pattaya and Samaesarn are rich with macro marine life, making them ideal destinations for underwater photography and enthusiasts of small marine creatures.

Nudibranchs and Sea Slugs

Pattaya and Samaesarn offer a haven for macro photographers with a diverse array of nudibranchs and sea slugs. These colorful and often intricately patterned creatures can be found on coral reefs, rocky outcrops, and sandy bottoms.


Macro enthusiasts will delight in the variety of crustaceans, including tiny shrimp and crabs. Look closely at coral heads and rocky crevices to spot these small but captivating creatures.

Small Reef Fish

The coral reefs of Pattaya and Samaesarn host numerous small reef fish species, such as gobies, blennies, and damsels. These fish, often adorned with striking patterns and colors, add to the underwater spectacle.

Sea Horses and Pipefish

For those with a keen eye, the seagrass beds and sheltered coral areas are excellent places to find seahorses and pipefish. Their camouflage abilities and delicate features make them a prized find for divers.

Diving into The Underwater World Of Pattaya

Dive into the underwater world in Pattaya! Scuba divers and ecologists can observe the many simple and symbiotic relationships that make up our complex marine ecosystem.

You can book any of the Scuba Adventures diving courses, scuba diving internships, or fun diving adventure trips online or for more information send us a message with your planned arrival dates.