
Pattaya Aquatic Life

Barracuda Pattaya


Learn about Barracuda Around Pattaya

Barracuda can be found in the waters around Pattaya, known for their elongated bodies and fearsome appearance. These predatory fish belong to the family Sphyraenidae and can be found in tropical and subtropical oceans worldwide. In Pattaya, divers and snorkelers frequently encounter them in open water and near coral reefs, where they hunt for smaller fish.

Barracuda closeup

Where to Find Barracuda in Pattaya

Barracuda can be found in several popular diving spots around Pattaya, including:

  • Koh Sak Deep Reef: This island deep reef offers a variety of marine life and smaller fish, making it an excellent location for spotting preying barracuda.
  • HTMS Khram: Most of the Shipwrecks in Pattaya have Barracuda on them but the Khram seems to offer a slightly more diverse ecosystem which provides a rich hunting ground so both Yellow tail and Great Barracuda are often spotted here.
  • North Rock: Part of the Far Islands near Koh Rin is renowned for its deeper waters and drop-off on its southeast side which attracts barracuda.

These sites are ideal for both novice and experienced divers looking to observe these striking fish in their natural habitat.

How to Identify the Barracuda

Identifying barracuda is relatively straightforward due to their distinctive features:

  • Body Shape: Barracuda have long, streamlined bodies that can grow up to 1.8 meters (6 feet) in length.
  • Coloration: They are usually silver with a green or blue tint on their upper bodies, which helps them blend into their surroundings. Black tails mark the great Barracuda while Yellow tails are named just this. Chevron Barracuda have this marking down their body.
  • Teeth: Barracuda are known for their large, sharp teeth that protrude from their lower jaw, giving them a menacing look.
  • Behavior: They often swim alone or in small schools and are known for their swift movements.
Barracuda Identification underwater world

Barracuda Characteristics & Behaviour

Barracuda exhibit several interesting characteristics and behaviours:

  • Predatory Nature: They are apex predators, primarily feeding on smaller fish. Their keen eyesight and burst speed allow them to ambush prey with incredible efficiency.
  • Habitat: Barracuda are often found near the surface or at mid-depths, patrolling reefs, mangroves, and seagrass beds.

Behavioural Patterns: While generally solitary, some species form schools, especially juveniles. They are known for their curious nature and can sometimes be seen following divers.

Interesting Facts About Barracuda

  • Speed: Barracuda are incredibly fast swimmers, capable of reaching speeds of up to 35 miles per hour (56 kilometers per hour) in short bursts.
  • Myth and Legend: Barracuda have a fearsome reputation and have featured in various myths and folklore as aggressive predators, though they rarely pose a threat to humans.
  • Longevity: They have a relatively long lifespan for fish, living up to 14 years in the wild.

Barracuda are an exciting species for divers exploring the waters around Pattaya. Their impressive speed, distinctive appearance, and predatory skills make them a fascinating subject for underwater observation and photography.


Pattaya Diving Trips

Where TO Find Us

Pattaya Scuba Adventures

194/29 Pattaya Sai Song 15
Pattaya City
Chon Buri 20150

Email: [email protected]


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