Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray

Pattaya Aquatic Life

Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray Pattaya


Learn about Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray Around Pattaya

The Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray (Taeniura lymma) is one of the most striking and sought-after marine species in Pattaya’s waters. Known for its vibrant blue spots and graceful movements, this ray is a favorite among divers and snorkelers. Its presence highlights the rich biodiversity of Pattaya’s underwater ecosystems.

Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray Marine Life Thailand

Where to Find Blue Spotted Rays in Pattaya

In Pattaya, the Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray can be commonly found in various popular diving spots, such as:

  • Koh Khrok: The fringing coral reefs around Koh Khrok is teeming with these rays.
  • Koh Larn: Almost all of Koh Larn’s diverse dive sites offer plenty of hiding spots for the Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray.
  • Koh Rin: Part of the Far Islands these reefs are ideal for spotting these rays.

These Rays can be found on almost any of the Pattaya Dive Sites to be fair yet locations are perfect for encountering the Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray in its natural habitat.

How to Identify the Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray

Identifying the Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray involves noting several distinctive features:

  • Coloration: This ray is easily recognizable by its bright blue spots scattered across a yellowish-brown body.
  • Size: They typically reach up to 35 cm (14 inches) in width, with a tail that can be twice the length of their body.
  • Tail: The ray’s tail is adorned with blue stripes and has a venomous spine used for defense.
Blue Spotted Ray Identification

Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray Characteristics & Behaviour

The Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray exhibits several fascinating characteristics and behaviors:

  • Habitat: They prefer sandy and muddy bottoms, often near coral reefs where they can find food and shelter.
  • Diet: These rays feed primarily on small fish, mollusks, and crustaceans, using their flattened bodies to hunt along the sea floor.
  • Behavior: Typically solitary, they may sometimes be seen in pairs or small groups. They are generally docile but can become defensive if threatened.

Interesting Facts About Blue Spotted Rays

  • Unlike other species of stingray, the Blue Spotted Ribbontail rarely buries itself entirely out of sight in the sand.
  • Venomous Defense: Their tail spine contains venom, which can inflict painful wounds, making them one of the more cautious creatures to approach.
  • Breathing Adaptations: They have spiracles on top of their bodies that allow them to breathe while buried under sand, protecting their gills from clogging.

The Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray is a captivating and vital part of Pattaya’s marine ecosystem. Its unique appearance, behaviors, and ecological role make it a highlight for divers and marine biologists exploring the region.


Pattaya Diving Trips

Where TO Find Us

Pattaya Scuba Adventures

194/29 Pattaya Sai Song 15
Pattaya City
Chon Buri 20150

Email: [email protected]


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