Dragonet Fish

Pattaya Aquatic Life

Dragonet Fish Pattaya


Learn about Dragonet Fish Around Pattaya

The Dragonet Fish, a member of the Callionymidae family, is a small yet captivating marine species found in the tropical waters around Pattaya. Known for their vibrant colors and intricate patterns, Dragonet Fish are a favorite among divers and underwater photographers. These fish are typically found close to the sea floor, where they blend seamlessly with their surroundings.

Dragonet Fish Aquatic Life
Dragonet Fish @ Koh Sak West Pattaya Near Islands

Where to Find Dragonet Fish in Pattaya

In Pattaya, Dragonet Fish can be observed in several of Pattayas popular diving sites, however these two dives sites yeild the most sightings

  • Koh Sak East / West Bays: These areas of the island have vast sandy bottoms perfect for much diving and they provide an ideal habitat to find Dragonet Fish.
  • Koh Phai: Part of the Far Islands, Koh Phai’s Bay also offers great muck diving to explore and look for these amazing fish.

These sites offer the best chance for divers looking to discover the unique beauty of Dragonet Fish in their natural environment.

How to Identify the Dragonet Fish

Identifying Dragonet Fish involves recognizing several distinct features:

  • Coloration: Dragonet Fish are known for their bright, vivid colors and intricate patterns, often featuring blues, oranges, and reds.
  • Body Shape: They have elongated, slender bodies with large, fan-like pectoral fins that they use to perch on the substrate.
  • Eyes and Mouth: Their eyes are large and set high on their heads, while their mouths are small and downturned, adapted for feeding on small invertebrates. The red over the mouth resonates the female Fingered Dragonet (Dactylopus dactylopus) which are very common here
Dragonet Fish Identification underwater world
Dragonet Fish @ Koh Phai Pattaya Far Islands

Dragonet Fish Characteristics & Behaviour

Dragonet Fish exhibit a variety of interesting characteristics and behaviors:

  • Feeding Habits: They primarily feed on small invertebrates such as worms, crustaceans, and other tiny sea creatures. They use their specialized mouths to sift through the sand and substrate for food.
  • Camouflage: Their vibrant patterns provide excellent camouflage against the sandy and rocky sea floor, helping them avoid predators.
  • Mating Displays: Male Dragonet Fish are known for their elaborate courtship displays, which involve spreading their fins and showcasing their colors to attract females.

Interesting Facts About Dragonet Fish

  • Mimicry: Some Dragonet Fish species are known to mimic the appearance of venomous species, such as certain types of scorpionfish, to deter predators.
  • Habitat Preference: They prefer sandy or muddy bottoms near coral reefs and are often found at depths ranging from shallow waters to around 200 meters.
  • Diverse Species: The family Callionymidae includes over 180 species, each with unique color patterns and behaviors, adding to the diversity of marine life in Pattaya.

Dragonet Fish are a remarkable and colorful addition to the underwater biodiversity of Pattaya. Their vibrant appearance and fascinating behaviors make them a highlight for divers and marine enthusiasts exploring the region.


Pattaya Diving Trips

Where TO Find Us

Pattaya Scuba Adventures

194/29 Pattaya Sai Song 15
Pattaya City
Chon Buri 20150

Email: [email protected]


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