File Fish / Leatherjackets

Pattaya Aquatic Life

File Fish Pattaya


Learn about File Fish Around Pattaya

Filefish, also known as Leatherjackets, are intriguing inhabitants of Pattaya’s vibrant marine environment. Known for their rough, sandpaper-like skin and unique body shapes, these fish are a delight for divers and marine enthusiasts due to their varied colors, patterns, and behaviors. Pattaya’s rich and diverse underwater ecosystems make it an excellent place to observe these fascinating creatures.

File fish fan bellied leatherjacket
Fan Bellied File Fish @ Koh Sak West Cubes

Where to Find File Fish in Pattaya

Filefish can be found at most dive sites around Pattaya. Here are some special mentions:

  • Scribbled File Fish: Found at Koh Rin and Koh Sak West.
  • Leafy File Fish: Can be found on Koh Sak Deep Reef.
  • Razor Fish: Found around the Cube Reefs at Koh Sak, Mattaphon, and Koh Larn.

These locations offer excellent opportunities to encounter different species of file fish.

How to Identify Different Types of File Fish

Different types of filefish found in Pattaya can be identified by specific features and characteristics:

  • Fan Bellied File Fish: Recognized by their elongated bodies and distinctive fan-shaped markings on their bellies.

  • Scribbled File Fish: Identified by intricate scribble-like patterns covering their bodies, often in shades of blue or green.

  • Leafy File Fish: Characterized by leaf-like appendages on their bodies, which provide excellent camouflage among seaweed and seagrass.

  • Razor Fish: Recognizable by their slender, elongated bodies, vertical swimming style and sharp snouts resembling a razor blade.

  • Bearded Filefish: Distinguished by their long thin body, vertical swimming style and large, bushy “beard” appendages near their mouths, giving them a unique appearance.

These distinctive features help in identifying different species of filefish while exploring Pattaya’s underwater ecosystems.

Leafy Filefish Prickly Leatherjacket Identification
Leafy Filefish @ Koh Sak Deep Reef

File Fish Characteristics & Behaviour

Filefish exhibit a variety of interesting characteristics and behaviors:

  • Camouflage: Many filefish can change color to blend in with their surroundings, aiding in protection from predators.
  • Diet: They primarily feed on algae, seagrasses, and small invertebrates. Some species have specialized diets, such as the Orange-spotted Filefish, which feeds on coral polyps.
  • Movement: Filefish swim slowly and deliberately, using their dorsal and pectoral fins for maneuvering.
  • Defense Mechanisms: They have sharp dorsal spines that they can erect to deter predators and wedge themselves into crevices for protection.

Interesting Facts About File Fish

  • Unique Skin: The skin of filefish is rough and sandpaper-like, which helps protect them from predators and parasites.
  • Mimicry: Some filefish species can mimic the appearance of toxic or unpalatable species to avoid predation.
  • Color Changes: Filefish are capable of rapid color changes, which they use for communication, camouflage, and mating displays.
  • Monogamous Pairs: Many filefish species are known to form monogamous pairs, staying with the same mate for an extended period.

Filefish are a captivating and essential part of Pattaya’s underwater ecosystem. Their unique appearance, behaviors, and ecological roles make them a highlight for divers and marine biologists exploring the region.


Pattaya Diving Trips

Where TO Find Us

Pattaya Scuba Adventures

194/29 Pattaya Sai Song 15
Pattaya City
Chon Buri 20150

Email: [email protected]


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