Scuba Diving Hand Signals Every Diver Should Know

Scuba Diving Signals Every Diver Needs to Know

How do scuba divers communicate underwater, such as telling each other to look at a specific marine animal? Scuba diving provides a unique opportunity to connect with people worldwide who share the same passion. Despite language differences, divers can communicate effectively underwater using a universal set of hand signals. These signals are essential for ensuring safety and enhancing the dive experience.

Here Are Some Essential Scuba Diving Hand Signals Every Diver Should Know:

1. ok - Scuba-Diving Hand Signals


Description: Form a circle with your thumb and index finger while extending the other three fingers.

Usage: To indicate that everything is fine and there are no issues.

2. Problem something wrong - Scuba Diving Hand Signals

Problem / Something Wrong

Description: Flatten and extend your hand and then tilt / rotate it back and forth.

Usage: To signal that there is a problem or something is wrong.

3. Go Down Descend - Scuba Diving Hand Signals

Go Down / Descend

Description: Point your thumb downwards.

Usage: To indicate that you or the group should descend.

4. Ears Not Clearing - Scuba Diving Hand Signals

Ears Not Clearing

Description: Point at ear and signal a problem Replies May be Pinch your nose and or tug on your earlobe.

Usage: To indicate difficulty in equalizing ear pressure.

5. Stop - Scuba Diving Hand Signals


Description: Hold up an open hand with the palm facing outwards.

Usage: To signal to stop immediately.

6. Which Way - Scuba Diving Hand Signals

Which Way?

Description: Hold a hand out, making a fist with your thumb out, and tilt it back and forth.

Usage: To ask which direction to go.

7. You lead - Scuba Diving Hand Signals

You Lead

Description: Point your index towards towards your other hand also making a pointing motion

Usage: To indicate that the other diver should lead and you will follow.

8. Come Here - Scuba Diving Hand Signals

Come Here

Description: Extend your arm and motion towards yourself with your fingers.

Usage: To signal someone to move towards / come closer to you

9. buddy up - Scuba Diving Hand Signals

Buddy Up / Get with Your Dive Buddy

Description: Hold your two index fingers together side by side.

Usage: To indicate to pair up / move closer to your assigned dive buddy

10. Low Air - Scuba Diving Hand Signals

Low Air

Description: Place a clenched fist against your chest.

Usage: To signal that you have reached the agreed reserve gas supply and are now running low on air.

11. Out Of Air - Scuba Diving Hand Signals

Out of Air

Description: Move your hand across your throat.

Usage: To indicate that you are out of air.

12. Look at / watch me - Scuba Diving Hand Signals

Look / Watch Me

Description: Point two fingers at your eyes, then at the object or yourself.

Usage: To get someone’s attention to look at something or watch you.

13. Hold hands - Scuba Diving Hand Signals

Hold Hands

Description: Clench your hands togeather

Usage: To indicate holding hands for safety or support.

14. Boat - Scuba Diving Hand Signals


Description: Cup your hand together mimicing the shape of a boat with your hands.

Usage: To indicate the direction or location of a / the boat.

15. Go Up End Dive - Scuba Diving Hand Signals

Go Up / End Dive

Description: Point your thumb upwards.

Usage: To signal to ascend or end the dive.

Here Are 6 Marine Life Animal Hand Signals Every Diver Should Know:

In addition to basic communication signals, divers use specific hand signals to identify marine life. Here are some common ones:

Shark - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Shark Signal 

Description: Hold the side of your hand against your forehead.

Blue Spotted Ray - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Blue-Spotted Ray Signal

Description: With one hand palm down Tap random points on the back of your other hand.

Turtle - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Sea Turtle Signal

Description: Place one hand on top of the other and rotate your thumbs.

Octopus - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Octopus Signal

Description: Hold your own wrist and wiggle your free hands downturned fingers like tentacles

Nudibranch - Marine Life Diving Hand Signals

Nudibranch Signal

Description: Create a “v” shape with your fingers and wiggle the ends to simulate the Sea Slugs Rhinopores (“eyes”)